sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

Here are 7 free eBooks and white papers that are very helpful. They have limited availability, so download them now before they are all ta1ken. (This is a restriction from the companies offering them. I have no control over availability.)

1. "Let's Talk Social Media for Small Business (Version 2) - Free 41 Page eBook" - Traditional marketing tactics such as advertising, referrals, and public relations are still very important, but social media tactics have now become essential for small businesses. Learn how to integrate and maximize your social media efforts.

Dowload here:

2. "Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn – Free 42 Page Excerpt" - An unofficial, step-by-step guide to creating & implementing your LinkedIn brand. It's all about creating and implementing your own LinkedIn Brand—which means branding yourself as if you were your own company! From the basics to advanced techniques, this is the first place to look for the last word on online networking and what LinkedIn can do for you.

Download here:

3. "Social Commerce Trends Report: Insights from the Social Commerce Summit" - Learn what's next in social from thought leaders like Clay Shirky, Jeremiah Owyang, and Facebook's Dan Rose, who gathered to discuss what works and what's next in social at the 2011 Social Commerce Summit in April. Leading brands like P&G, Best Buy, L.L.Bean, and Rubbermaid shared successes and failures that will inspire the next round of innovation in customer-centric business. Highly recommended!

Download here:

4. "The Definitive Social Media Guidebook: Ways to Integrate Your SEO and Social Media Marketing " – Updated for 2011. You will see exponentially better results with your social media campaigns when your social networks and SEO strategies are aligned. This guidebook provides a ton of helpful advice to make your efforts pay off like a well oiled machine.

Download here:

5. "How to Create Rich Web Content that Drives Conversation and Generates Results" - This paper is designed to help individuals responsible for content on their company's websites be more effective. It covers the following topics:

  • Defining Goals 
  • Understanding Inbound Marketing 
  • Understanding Earned, Owned and Paid Media 
  • Creating Content that Drives Conversations 
  • Tips for Good Page Design 
Download here:

6. "How to Create & Run a Winning Webinar Series eGuide" - This eGuide will help you get things right virtually every time and make sure your webinar series is a continued success. A successful marketing Webinar series can educate your prospects on your company's uniqueness, create a competitive advantage, dramatically increase lead flow, and drive sales. 
Download the eGuide to learn:

  • Common mistakes to avoid when developing a Webinar series
  • Key planning and management strategies that deliver results
  • 7 critical components of a successful Webinar series
  • and more...
Download here:

7. "Making Shopping Social: Lessons from Ticketmaster"Kip Levin, Executive Vice President of Ecommerce at Live Nation, will share real-world stories of how Ticketmaster leverages social to interact with customers and drive new sales. Watch this free webinar to learn:

  • How Ticketmaster created an interactive community 
  • How to develop a Facebook strategy with measurable results 
  • How customer insights go beyond driving sales to improve your marketing, services, and customer experience 
Download here:

And here is the entire list of free resources... - take a look, there are a ton of other great free eBooks, white papers and subscriptions!
Here's to your success!

Mike Crosson

From: LinkedIn Group

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